Empowering Communities by Improving Their Well-Being
A Nonprofit Organization Promoting Public Health and Safety
Welcome to HASPI
The Health And Social Policy Institute – HASPI – is a non-profit organization that works independently and in partnership with others to address a wide range of public health and environmental issues including heart and lung diseases, cancer and tobacco control, nutrition and fitness, childhood safety, reproductive health, gerontology, and climate change/degradation.
Our Specific and Primary Purposes are:
Our Mission
The mission of the Health And Social Policy Institute (HASPI) is to promote and conduct innovative and effective public health projects and to develop and implement programmatic and policy solutions to public health and public safety challenges.
Our Programs
Learn more about the HASPI programs and initiatives.

CAN (Communities Addressing Nicotine)
The project addresses Tobacco Retail Licensing (TRL); exposure to secondhand smoke in market value multi-family housing; and smoke-free tribal gaming.

International Public Health Broadcasts on CalmUnity Global Internet Radio
The Health and Social Policy Institute (HASPI) took to the global audio-digital airwaves in 2021 launching our new Internet Radio Station—CalmUnity Global Radio.

Health Equity Creates Healthy Communities
This project, provides training seminars for public and private health care and education personnel to increase understanding of the culture of poverty in order to improve the effectiveness of health interventions with low income Californians.