CAN is a five-year (2020-2025) tobacco control project of the Health and Social Policy Institute (HASPI) funded by the State of California-Tobacco Tax of 2016, known as Proposition 56. The CAN (Communities Addressing Nicotine) project works in the rural communities of Lake and Humboldt Counties. The project addresses Tobacco Retail Licensing (TRL); exposure to secondhand smoke in market value multi-family housing; and smoke-free tribal gaming.

The project's activities include:
- Conducting educational community outreach
- building relationships with the local multi-family housing owners and managers
- using local media to inform the public of project activities and increase local support for project objectives
- utilizing strategic planning sessions with community groups and local tobacco control advocates to plan project strategies
- evaluating and documenting project challenges, barriers, and lessons learned
- mobilizing multi-family housing tenants to seek safe, non-smoking living conditions for their families
- building relationships with tribal casino managers and tribal council members
- developing county-specific and project specific educational materials
CAN staff work closely with rural northern California residents, Humboldt and Lake County Health Departments, California Department of Public Health Tobacco Control Program, and key local, regional, and statewide opinion leaders. CAN is a proud member of the California State Rural Health Association (CSRHA).